Green Job Skills is a free education and training program for experienced general contractors who want to expand their skills and income potential. The program provides free access to online courses that expand your years of experience to include Green Job Skills while building a healthier and safer future for Dallas residents. Green Job Skills will connect you to the right education opportunity, whether you’re looking to deepen your expertise, learn from dedicated experts, or apply your experience to a completely different industry.
Green Job Skills works closely with institutions, organizations, and trade associations to facilitate education and training at no cost to you.

If you have general home improvement experience
or proven skills in any of these areas:






TDLR License Number for Electric Vehicle Related Courses
And You

​By providing free education and training through Green Job Skills, we want to create new job opportunities and mobility for our local workforce by establishing a clear set of competencies on which to base working credentials.
Green Job Skills provides a central hub to a variety of free education and training opportunities. Check back with us often as new classes will be made available.

Dallas College: Electrical Safety and WiringElectrical licensing requirements and state laws and rules that regulate the conduct of licensed electricians. Includes review of the latest edition of the National Electrical Code including notable Code revisions. This four-hour course is required to be completed every year prior to the license renewal and may be repeated multiple times to improve student proficiency. (Meets the 4 Hours PD requirement by TDLR for Licensed Electricians) Students interested in this course will need to contact Dr. Tammie Wilker at twilker@dallascollege.edu and provide their TDLR License number.
Dallas College: Electric Vehicle Charging Station InstallationThis four hour course will provide electricians with basic safety requirements of installing EV charging stations. Students must provide their TDLR License Number.
Weatherization: Building Science PrinciplesBuilding Science Principles is the best way to begin your journey if you are new to the field of weatherization and need a basic understanding of building science. This online course covers the concept of House as a System, heat transfer, air sealing, insulation, HVAC systems and more. There are several short quizzes to provide practice for those interested in taking the BPI Building Science Principles exam. Additional BPI certification exam fees are not included in Green Job Skills' tuition assistance program.
Weatherization: Retrofit Installer TechnicianThis video-based class covers information helpful to installers, including air sealing, insulation, and basic pressure diagnostics. Retrofit Installer is the entry-level position for nearly any weatherization program in the US, and this would be the first training they would receive as part of that new hire.
Weatherization: Building AnalystThis class covers everything needed for the work of the Building Analyst, except the hands-on practice, and includes pressure and combustion diagnostics to teach students health & safety. Relying more on discussions and assignments moves the student toward being qualified as a Crew Leader or utility-based Home Auditor. BPI Certification exams and hands-on portion fees are not included in Green Job Skills' tuition assistance program.
Weatherization: Energy AuditorThis course covers everything needed for the work of the Energy Auditor, including blower door testing, pressure pan, zonal pressure diagnostics, and combustion testing. Completing the course provides students with a digital badge from SFCC and 36 CEUs from BPI. To challenge the BPI Energy Auditor exam, candidates must also have field experience and apply to BPI for approval. The cost of the exams is not included in the course.

Why Green Jobs?
There’s a tremendous and urgent need in our community!
We aim to build a sustainable and safe future for Dallas residents and neighboring cities. By developing a highly-skilled, local workforce, we’re able to fill the jobs of the future: green jobs, producing goods, providing services that benefit our community and the environment, and conserving natural resources.
We must protect the planet by ensuring today’s business and workforce create a better future for generations to come. We are deeply committed to building a net-zero future for our residents.